Sunday, January 11, 2009

week 5 post by Kayu

greets, after going through many posts from me the rest of my teammate, do you guys understand more about the field of pop music or even start liking them. Anyway, as i mentioned before, pop music includes many things such as style, music, dressing, singers and so on. But do you guys realize that the starting point of pop music is all about the instrument. Obviously, only one instrument is not able to make a nice pop music, and that is why we need band.

Within a band, there are usually 5 or 6 position, they are 1 drummer, 1 keyboard, 1 bassist, 1 lead guitarist and 1 rhythm guitarist. Sometimes there will be a singer position, but usually one of the guitarist players will take this job.



Obviously, you guys should know what is and what does drummer, keyboard and bassist do right. However, I was told that many people who doesn't understand band well sill somehow get confused by the difference between lead guitarist and rhythm guitarist. Actually, lead guitarist keeps the melody goes smoothly, rhythm guitarist has the job to make the beat and the bassist maintains the transition between chords.

Once again, each of the instrument plays important role in band, and none of them can be missed or otherwise a good pop music would not be formed. Moreover, in contemporary world, new element has been added in the band which make it a bit or you can say totally different from the typical one. Such as more people, and that means more instruments are applied. Meanwhile, new kind of instrument can be added in as well. like some that you would never expect, such as violin, organ piano, rattle and harp and so on.


some people will be like WTH!! and do not believe that this kind of new combination is an good idea. But trust me, they just perfectly fit in the pop music and somehow form a new style of pop that you never imagined before. Try to listen to musice made by the following bands like, Mariah Carey, Fall Out Boy, Lupe Fiasco and Mario Barrett. They all like making special music products.


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