Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sum Up from Kayu

Hey guys, I reckon this is the last chance for me to make a post here.

Anyway, there is no more idea and concept in the filed of Asian Pop music to explore anymore. So that, im just going to sum up what I have commended on.

In this cast here im trying to get rip of 'Asian' and combine Western together here as well. By the way, Pop or Pop music includes many different factors, such as style, songs, singers, animation, instrument and so on. For the posts i have made, and yet i was trying to introduce the new influence and trend of pop music to youth culture.

I have been briefly talk about new instrument used in making music, one of the famous Chinese singer who provide many kinds of features and advantages to pop music culture, animation where people apply recent music on them to impress audience and the current event organized in Sydney; the Sydney festival.

Lastly, i have done a short interview or You may say its a conversation only. Yea anyway, he is Jason Wong, one of my friends from Hong Kong. He works in one of the studio in Hong Kong, and therefore he possible know more about Pop Music. In fact, his company sends him to Australia for working stuff, and he catch this opportunity to visit the Sydney Festival and he shared his opinion to it during the interview.

Thats all for my posting so far, and we are going to take a short break.

Hopefully we may offer some more news about pop music in the future, Cya guys.

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