Saturday, January 10, 2009



Asian idol is a pop competition with winners selected in their own country: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. The winner will be set up a contract with many international recording companies and an around the world trip, especially having an opportunity to see other idol competitions in the world.

ASIAN IDOL – a change to lead a better life….. it’s exactly the way it is……

Take a look at 3nominees from Malaysia and Indonesia, India, we’ll get the meaning with ease.

Jaclyn victor from Malaysia: her father died when she was 10. her mother became a win bread of a 4- member- family. She had to wash dishes at a Chinese restaurant with a little money in hope of helping her mother out with money. She is also the eldest and only girl. She worked too hard but cost nothing. He made up her own mind to become a pro singer; at least she could lead a better life not like her mother did. And she was crowned the title “Malaysia idol 2004”. After her first nationwide- released album with lots of compliments, she became one of the leading singers in Malaysia.

Abjiheet Sawant from India, Mike Mohede from Indonesia:

They lead the same hard life.

Sawast was crowned “India idol” in 2005. He made a tour of many places in Asia and England. But for him, the most invaluable thing gained from the contest is a chance to lead a better life, put a stop to the hard life.
It’s just a little special with Mike; music also has a special meaning. “Every time I’m on the stage, feeling that my dead father is staying by my side, supporting me, touching my shoulder” said he. On dying, mike’s father told him to pursuit of singing by pro. Mike is also called “diamond voice” from all the idol judges.

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