Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last findings

Hai Hai, Aight pretty much to sum up the Asian music industry vast variety of genre, not only now fames it self within the Asian country itself but is able to spread throughout the international market. Although there are distinct differences between the cultures, their genres and rthymn did not change.


At the moment people arent familiar with the international asian music scene, due to the language differences but there have been many cases of the western culture embracing and showing interest. The diversity of music as a whole is spreading across as people are able to share eachothers unique music background, as every countries music have have its own significant history that influences their music from generation to generation.

The youth culture of today, due to the diversity of different genres, begin to explore the mysteries of music around the world. Everyone begin to appreciate each others music. Fashion, attitude and the manner are all influenced by the like of music.


We will keep you posted on newer findings in the coming weeks, for now we go on a bit of a break so, hang in there.

Thankyou all la !!!!

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