Friday, January 9, 2009

Fanli 5th Post---The Market of Chinese Music

As we know, the market of Chinese music has entered in mature stage. More and more international record corporations realize that Chinese will become the biggest market in Asia, not only the quality and the styles of music, but also the scale of market.

Through Chinese music has showed its importance position in Asia market, the huge potential for continued still expand. There are 1.3 billion populations of Chinese. But people who have the ability to buy these video and audio products are the small weight contrasting the whole Chinese population. It is estimated these population around 7.5 million. We can not underestimate this data. It is already equal to the whole population of one of the European countries. In many years, Chinese economy keeps high growing in the world, the number of products of music surge about 20% annual rate.

One of the professions in Entertainment Corporation said that Jay Chow, S.H.E, Jolin, Lee-Hom Wang are the guarantee of albums’ sales. Furthermore, these are outstanding Chinese music singer. As we see, Jay Chou, S.H.E, Jolin and Lee-Hom Wang come from Taiwan. It is a fact that we can not deny Taiwan as the pioneer in the Entertainment Business. They can successfully train and promote these super stats who greatly influent Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Other Asian countries, even the world. Exports point out that these years C-Pop (Chinese Popular Music) is so successful in Asia, and it has emerged out of national boundaries. C-Pop (Chinese Popular Music), K-Pop (Korean Popular Music), J-Pop (Japanese Popular Music) are the three main components of Asian Music nowadays.

Along with the globalization of music, the tastes of Chinese greatly update. Especially the youth generation not just listen their own national music, they also listen different countries, and different styles music around the world. They are familiar with singers from the world and absorb different culture essence.

In the future we can feel Chinese music as one of the influential force in Asia and the world entertainment.

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