Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sum Up from Kayu

Hey guys, I reckon this is the last chance for me to make a post here.

Anyway, there is no more idea and concept in the filed of Asian Pop music to explore anymore. So that, im just going to sum up what I have commended on.

In this cast here im trying to get rip of 'Asian' and combine Western together here as well. By the way, Pop or Pop music includes many different factors, such as style, songs, singers, animation, instrument and so on. For the posts i have made, and yet i was trying to introduce the new influence and trend of pop music to youth culture.

I have been briefly talk about new instrument used in making music, one of the famous Chinese singer who provide many kinds of features and advantages to pop music culture, animation where people apply recent music on them to impress audience and the current event organized in Sydney; the Sydney festival.

Lastly, i have done a short interview or You may say its a conversation only. Yea anyway, he is Jason Wong, one of my friends from Hong Kong. He works in one of the studio in Hong Kong, and therefore he possible know more about Pop Music. In fact, his company sends him to Australia for working stuff, and he catch this opportunity to visit the Sydney Festival and he shared his opinion to it during the interview.

Thats all for my posting so far, and we are going to take a short break.

Hopefully we may offer some more news about pop music in the future, Cya guys.

Last findings

Hai Hai, Aight pretty much to sum up the Asian music industry vast variety of genre, not only now fames it self within the Asian country itself but is able to spread throughout the international market. Although there are distinct differences between the cultures, their genres and rthymn did not change.


At the moment people arent familiar with the international asian music scene, due to the language differences but there have been many cases of the western culture embracing and showing interest. The diversity of music as a whole is spreading across as people are able to share eachothers unique music background, as every countries music have have its own significant history that influences their music from generation to generation.

The youth culture of today, due to the diversity of different genres, begin to explore the mysteries of music around the world. Everyone begin to appreciate each others music. Fashion, attitude and the manner are all influenced by the like of music.


We will keep you posted on newer findings in the coming weeks, for now we go on a bit of a break so, hang in there.

Thankyou all la !!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

6th Post by Fanli- My suggestions to the youth generation

We have talked a lot about the Asian Music influence the youth generation. Face to the powerful influence, I suggest some advices to the youth generation.

Firstly, the youth generation should realize that music just a kind of entertainment. Our central goals are work and study. Do not so crazy about music. It is terrible to stop working and studying for music.

Furthermore, if you really want to as music artist, you should make every effort, no just thinking and imagination, it will seriously influence normal life. But you should clearly realize that music is a hard way to go. You should consider more about your dream and decide what you really want in this way. It is hard to become an excellent and successful music artist. You should pay more times hard working to focus on it.

But we can not deny, the youth generation can be influenced some positive idea and ideology. Mostly the influence of music bases on the successful of artist. From these super stats, the youth generation can learn some merits and spirits. For example, we can learn from Jay chou who dares to break through the old music ideology and create a new kind of music era; S.H.E life attitude: confident and shine; Lee-Hom Wang who is excellent for lots of music equipments.

Nowadays the youth generation stays in a freedom world. What we need to do just distinguish which things are benefit to us. If you love music and want to contribute to this career, you believe yourself will be successful as long as you make great efforts on it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

week 5 post by Kayu

greets, after going through many posts from me the rest of my teammate, do you guys understand more about the field of pop music or even start liking them. Anyway, as i mentioned before, pop music includes many things such as style, music, dressing, singers and so on. But do you guys realize that the starting point of pop music is all about the instrument. Obviously, only one instrument is not able to make a nice pop music, and that is why we need band.

Within a band, there are usually 5 or 6 position, they are 1 drummer, 1 keyboard, 1 bassist, 1 lead guitarist and 1 rhythm guitarist. Sometimes there will be a singer position, but usually one of the guitarist players will take this job.



Obviously, you guys should know what is and what does drummer, keyboard and bassist do right. However, I was told that many people who doesn't understand band well sill somehow get confused by the difference between lead guitarist and rhythm guitarist. Actually, lead guitarist keeps the melody goes smoothly, rhythm guitarist has the job to make the beat and the bassist maintains the transition between chords.

Once again, each of the instrument plays important role in band, and none of them can be missed or otherwise a good pop music would not be formed. Moreover, in contemporary world, new element has been added in the band which make it a bit or you can say totally different from the typical one. Such as more people, and that means more instruments are applied. Meanwhile, new kind of instrument can be added in as well. like some that you would never expect, such as violin, organ piano, rattle and harp and so on.


some people will be like WTH!! and do not believe that this kind of new combination is an good idea. But trust me, they just perfectly fit in the pop music and somehow form a new style of pop that you never imagined before. Try to listen to musice made by the following bands like, Mariah Carey, Fall Out Boy, Lupe Fiasco and Mario Barrett. They all like making special music products.


! Asian music at the moment !

HAI HAI again…

Well Asian music at the moment is at its most prominent times, with a variety of singers from all the over the Asian continent they are almost difficult to name. Every country has its own idol and singer that is pretty much recognized in the Asian music industry. Right now the music scene in Asia, is reached into international regions, especially J-Pop, the Japanese has certainly accomplished a tremendous feat. Collaborations with other western bands is just an example of how the Asian music is becoming more diverse, an example of this includes Coldplay’s collaboration with Japanese group SMAP with their performance of Viva La Vida. Not only does the two cultures are able to appreciated each other music but also to work together to create a piece of music is many people’s dreams, the uniqueness is rarely seen.


As for myself, being a Chinese-Australian, I enjoy both culture music both the western and the eastern music scene really do show its own uniqueness while still both sharing the same interest in genres and style. To hear music in a different language is amazing, the lyrics compared to the western music take time to analysis as its meanings aren’t as concise, but it is figuring out what the lyrics actually mean is the most fun and interesting part.


I highly recommend people who do not listen to music of a different culture, to give it a try even though you do not understand the lyrics, to be a true music lover, you must know the music from different backgrounds, learn to appreciate it. Asian music has certainly skyrocketed its way into mainstream music, and for a future prediction, its will only expand its territory, not just in Asian but to the western cultures as well.


week 4 post by Kayu

Hey guys, this is Kayu again. This time im gonna present you guys a special event which is about music. It is the current event organized in the whole Sydney and which is Sydney Festival. Im not sure if there is any Asian pop music show in the festival and even though it is a typical western stuff, and i still think this is a very meaningful events to introduce and you guys should have gone and check it out.

Sydney Festival Last for about one month long, and last Saturday was the starting day. So there are still plenty of time to enjoy it. Everyday, the festival goes for the whole day. Actually, they probably have different show and events everyday. I knew that they have free movie show where it shows many recent films and music concert in which they invite different singers. Even though the singers are not that kind of famous and everything include the movie show takes place outdoor. However, Everything just go perfectly fine and I could feel a very good when i was there.


The night i went was where they have a black lady to run the concert, songs she song were not any pop music song but some special festival song to bring up the atmosphere. In fact there was no dancers, no special effect and the costumes are not that exaggerated but she certainly change a new one every time when she finished one song. This is a feature where you would hardly see in local concerts.


Although the show or the festival is not that good as you expect, however you could hear different type of music everywhere, since the festival takes place in a very huge spot and there are few concert platforms. That means at least one show progresses at any single moment. People dance, sing, chat, drink and it has a real enjoyable time. As long as the festival is still existed and Im sure that there would be some more new event coming up. I hardly recommend you guys to go and have a look, and i also suggest to stay there until that day's events are all finished since it is a very good opportunity to listen and understand different type of music rather than only focusing on pop music.

check out for more information!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

D2B-Thai pop-Ripina 6th post

D2B (ดีทูบี)


It can be said that “D2B” is one of the most famous boy bands in Thailand at present.
“D2B” consists of 3 boy members: Panrawat Apichet Kittikorncharoen,Worawech Danuwong and Kawee Tanjararuk . It was set up in 2000 in possession of RS – Promotion.

They have 3 cool nicknames referring to the name of the band “D2B”: Dan, Big and Beam.

Known as “the RS angles in competition with “Grammy Thai” company in 2003-2007, “D2B” has a great influence on the set up of many boy bands from RS Company later.
It’s unfortunate that “Big” ( Panrawat Apichet), the most famous member of the band loved by many fan clubs had a tragic accident. This made this boy band go into lots of following difficulties. His accidents led many Thai students to quitting school, gathering at the hospital with the movement of making paper cranes to pray for his health.

But he died after many efforts in vain from those who love him truly, deeply.
Without “Big”, Beam and Dan continued their career but really didn’t get any particular success as it used to be.

• 1-2002: Album vol1. D2B Special Friends
• 5-2002: D2B Summer Vol2
• 20-5 -2002: D2B Summer Live in Concert
• 6-2002: Marathon Dance Concert
• 13-6-2002: Good Time Concert
• 2002: D2B attended “Top Awards 2002 TV Foot Magazine”
• 2002: Concert RS
• 12-10 -2002: Album Wai Rai Freshy
• 5-3-2003: the hit “Chak Ko Hok Pay Thung Nay” (How long have you been lying to me?) into Asian MTV.
• 25-3-2003 Album D2B Type II
• 27-3-2003: album Vol 3: D2B Type II
• 1-5 -2003: horror movie: Omen
• 9-6-2003: D2B Miracle
• 2003: Awards Channel 7
• 2003: Concert in Chiang Mai.
• 7-2003: Big got an accident.
• 8-2003: Album remix: D2B Mixa.
• 26-2-2004: D2B Never ending (without “Big”)



Asian idol is a pop competition with winners selected in their own country: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. The winner will be set up a contract with many international recording companies and an around the world trip, especially having an opportunity to see other idol competitions in the world.

ASIAN IDOL – a change to lead a better life….. it’s exactly the way it is……

Take a look at 3nominees from Malaysia and Indonesia, India, we’ll get the meaning with ease.

Jaclyn victor from Malaysia: her father died when she was 10. her mother became a win bread of a 4- member- family. She had to wash dishes at a Chinese restaurant with a little money in hope of helping her mother out with money. She is also the eldest and only girl. She worked too hard but cost nothing. He made up her own mind to become a pro singer; at least she could lead a better life not like her mother did. And she was crowned the title “Malaysia idol 2004”. After her first nationwide- released album with lots of compliments, she became one of the leading singers in Malaysia.

Abjiheet Sawant from India, Mike Mohede from Indonesia:

They lead the same hard life.

Sawast was crowned “India idol” in 2005. He made a tour of many places in Asia and England. But for him, the most invaluable thing gained from the contest is a chance to lead a better life, put a stop to the hard life.
It’s just a little special with Mike; music also has a special meaning. “Every time I’m on the stage, feeling that my dead father is staying by my side, supporting me, touching my shoulder” said he. On dying, mike’s father told him to pursuit of singing by pro. Mike is also called “diamond voice” from all the idol judges.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fanli 5th Post---The Market of Chinese Music

As we know, the market of Chinese music has entered in mature stage. More and more international record corporations realize that Chinese will become the biggest market in Asia, not only the quality and the styles of music, but also the scale of market.

Through Chinese music has showed its importance position in Asia market, the huge potential for continued still expand. There are 1.3 billion populations of Chinese. But people who have the ability to buy these video and audio products are the small weight contrasting the whole Chinese population. It is estimated these population around 7.5 million. We can not underestimate this data. It is already equal to the whole population of one of the European countries. In many years, Chinese economy keeps high growing in the world, the number of products of music surge about 20% annual rate.

One of the professions in Entertainment Corporation said that Jay Chow, S.H.E, Jolin, Lee-Hom Wang are the guarantee of albums’ sales. Furthermore, these are outstanding Chinese music singer. As we see, Jay Chou, S.H.E, Jolin and Lee-Hom Wang come from Taiwan. It is a fact that we can not deny Taiwan as the pioneer in the Entertainment Business. They can successfully train and promote these super stats who greatly influent Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Other Asian countries, even the world. Exports point out that these years C-Pop (Chinese Popular Music) is so successful in Asia, and it has emerged out of national boundaries. C-Pop (Chinese Popular Music), K-Pop (Korean Popular Music), J-Pop (Japanese Popular Music) are the three main components of Asian Music nowadays.

Along with the globalization of music, the tastes of Chinese greatly update. Especially the youth generation not just listen their own national music, they also listen different countries, and different styles music around the world. They are familiar with singers from the world and absorb different culture essence.

In the future we can feel Chinese music as one of the influential force in Asia and the world entertainment.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Timmeh post


Ni hao ma again. Anyways lets get straight into it , no retarded intro and everything this time. Moving on this week I will be showing the major places that the Asian music phenomenon is sweeping through. Major examples include China. Korea, Japan and Hong Kong.

At the moment China is booming the music industry, many rising and potential celebrities skyrocket their reputation to attain international recognition. Spreading their image is everything for being successful. While many don’t regard international success as a paramount aesthetic, but in today’s society to dominate in the music industry, ur image in the outside market apart from your original country is crucial. China at the moment sport famous celebrities that are renowned internationally includes Taiwanese music artist Jay Chou as well as female singer, Jolin Choi.


Next in the market includes the small state of Hong Kong, where although it is such a small place has so many ppl with so much music talent. Its celebrities are internationally recognized as well as command a high level of reputation and respect. Among these celebrities the more notable figures include Edson Chen , Joey Yong, Andy Lau.


Japan on the other hand, was always a high competitor in the Asian music industry, with their wide array of different genre musicians. While their musical talent does come in large numbers, many of the their artists struggle to reach international success that its other predecessors. But nonetheless to earn a high reputation in Japan itself is already a distinguishable feat of achievement, since the Asian music industry is at the moment carried by the Japan.


Korea, another competitor in the Asian music industry, its artist is able to retain large amounts of recognition from other neighboring countries as well as some international countries. Music group and individuals include BoA, Rain, Big Bang and Se7en. Korea’s music market has skyrocketed over the years as the arrival to fame of these artists is able to create a distinguishable image for the Korean music market.

week 3 post from Kayu

Hey, guys. Its me, Kayu again. We are up to week 3 already. For my last 2 posts, I have been briefly talking about how does Asian pop music influence youth culture through introducing some Japanese bands and the most famous Chinese singer, Jay Chow. However, I reckon myself is getting a bit boring if keep saying ‘How does Asian pop music influence youth culture.’ So this time I want to talk about something special to escape a bit from this particular topic. Well, I would like to present some awsome Japanese cartoons to you guys. This is also one of the major issues to direct the trend of youth culture.



Before going more further, have you guys ever watched Japanese animation? They are good eh. Anyway, by the time you watch time, do you realize the song track in the beginning and the ending of the animation. Yea, they are the so-called opening track, op and ending track, ed respectively. What is the function of them, the first is to introduce or state out the name of people who has done any work to the animation. However, they will not just say out all these stuff normally, but combines them with visual picture and song and make it still looks like one of the entertainment parts of the cartoon. The second one is to impress audience as much as possible. Like create an image into viewer’s mind and therefore viewer can realize the cartoon and keep watching them in the next following days.

How do you think those ops and eds are made? People do not intended to make them with purpose just to fit in the animation. But is in the other way around that they choose recent, current and latest songs to be the ops and eds. The reason to do this is to keep the animation fresh so that audience would not forget it.

Do you notice the trend of cost play activity? Like people fully dress up like the character in the animation. I have been doing survey and even interview people who do this. I can tell that cost play requires more time and effort than a girl to put on perfect make up to go to any party.


For addition, there is an activity organizes in Sydney each year which calls Smash and it is all about animation stuff. Over there, you can see people dress up cosplay and even sing, dance and do performance as what audience see in the ops and eds. As in re do the ops and eds in real life. Moreover people would also have a chance to sing the songs from animation. More than this, there is always a singing completion in the end. Seriously, its really cool, feel free to check it out.


So, there is not only pop music to influence youth, but the grow of animation (songs, cosplay…etc) still consider as a great issue in this case. As I said last week that watching MTV is the other way to listen to stories. And here, ops and eds are also like MTV that can tell a story, but this time, we watch and listen some other styles stories in animation way.

Lee-Hom Wang By Fanli

Lee-Hom Wang was born in America. He is Chinese American singer,actor and song writer. Lee-Hom Wang is one of the most famouse super starts in Taiwan, China, even In Asia.

Early Life

Lee-Hom lived in America when he was young. When he was six years old, he took the music courses. He loves music in early age. As he said in a interview:" music is the whole life." He studies hard about every parts of music. The different kinds of training, the innate music ability makes him excellent in the modern society.

Musical Style

Wang's music style always changes greatly from album to album. he is considered as an R&B artist. Wang demonstrates music in a special way. He use Chinese traditional musical element and then adds some western ideologies and music components to create a new wave of music. These music is popular, famous and influential around the Asia. many styles of music Wang uses from traditional Mandopop, Broadway, jazz, rock, R&B, gospel, acoustic, Indipop, hip-hop, to rap. His music seeks to different styles to give audience different feeling about life, work and love. As Wang said:" I just want to show the best music to these people who always support me, love me. Life is limited. We should make everyday account and enjoy what the music bringing."

Excellent Star

Wang's great success not only base on his excellent music, but also as a good actor as we see.

When he was at student time, he had taken participate in some music products. These experiences are important to him. From 1999 to 2007, he had acted some good works. These works made Wang more famous in the Asia Culture. Futhermore, he is still considered as the most influential actor in Taiwan. In the 2007, Lee-Hom Wang acted in the film Lust, Caution. This film was directed by Ang Lee. It was his first Mandarin-language film. In this film, Wang received many praise from outside. It one of the films audience can feel wang as a potential actor.

Wang is excellent on different musical instruments, such as piano, violin. He tries his best to do new challenges on music and film career. Wang stands for a kind of positive, active and energetic force in the society. Lee-Hom Wang creates a good example to the youth generation.

4th entry of Ripina: Ta Ta Young


Tata Young (born Amita Marie Young, Thai December 14, 1980 in Thailand) is a Thai singer, model and actress. After becoming a Thai superstar in her early teens, she became an international success with the release of her first English-language album I Believe in 2004. She remains one of the most popular performers in Thailand, and is a perennial "favorite" pick by magazines and music-video channels.
Tata Young is the only daughter of her father Tim Young and her Thai mother, Bunchorn Young, Thai. She started singing and dancing at an early age. At age 11, Tata surpassed 5,300 other children to be crowned winner of the international division of the nationwide Thailand Junior Singing Contest with her performance of One Night Only. Among the prizes she won was a keyboard, which she donated to her school, the Bangkok Patana School. The victory earned her a contract with Yamaha Music, which groomed her for entry into the entertainment business. In 1994, the 14-year-old caught the eye of A&R executives from GMM Grammy, Thailand 's biggest entertainment conglomerate, who offered her a recording contract.
She soon released her debut Thai-language album Amita Tata Young which shot to the top of the charts and sold more than 1 million copies in less than five months. At the age of 15, Tata became the biggest pop sensation in Thailand.
Her reputation was solidified when sales of her follow-up album Tata 1,000,000 Copies Celebration, which included the hit single Chan Rak Thur (I Love You), hit the 1 million sales mark as well.
For her first year in the business, she collected a string of awards and accolades, included "Entertainer of the Year" by the Bangkok Press, as well as "Best Recording Artist for 1995", an award for "Music Video of the Year", awards for no 1 and no 2 "Single of the Year", and "Album of the Year" for Amita Tata Young at the Radio Vote Awards in Thailand.
Young has been working on her junior studio English album for quite a while since the beginnings of '08 in Berlin, Germany, working with Sony BMG Europe. The records have unofficialy announced including 15 tracks, and most of them will be the pop-dance beats, similar to her previous records. The songs in this new record will be a lot more upbeat and more fun than One Love. She has also announced that this is her favourite album, it's also the best album she'd ever made before, the beats will help the album climbing up the charts all around the world easily, it has got to be the best one! Moreover, one of the tracks is also written by Timbaland's "right hand" as well.
The first single is going to be released in January 2009, followed by the whole album in April. The record's main target is now going to be Europe and Australia, not like her 2 previous records which were launched in Asia.