Sunday, December 7, 2008

Timmy - 3rd Post ! Asian Pop/Hip-Hop


Hai !!! Me Tim la , OkOk, this week I will be exploring the influences of Asian Pop/Hip-Hop music towards young youth of many Asian countries. With the rise of popularity streaming through Asia, many regular people, apart from celebrities are also embracing the fashion trend that is sweeping across the music industries especially the genres I have just mentioned before.


Hip Hop was first used as an instrument of therapy to escape the harsh realities of hard ghetto life. Which is the slums and lower classed parts of a city. Hip Hop was originally an assault of music bringing a new bevy of fans, which includes people of non-English speaking dialogue. Hip Hop has now reached all parts of the world affecting people with more hardships in life. With Asia embracing the same culture, the dramatic impact especially influenced to idealism of young youths.

Fashion has played a wide role in representing and portraying the personality of the individual. In Asia people have taken part and resemblance in American culture. Such clothing such as long baggy T-shirts, caps, hoodies are common trends related towards the music genre. A wide fashion industry dedicates themselves in producing the exact the fashion for the particular audiences, such brands as Stussy, Zoo York, Kikstyo G-Star and Stray.


Thx for reading again this week, and read all my other buddies posts : )

Next week ill be posting about another Asian band that is widely known la , tyty xie xie all that good stuff !


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