Sunday, December 7, 2008

Timmy - 3rd Post ! Asian Pop/Hip-Hop


Hai !!! Me Tim la , OkOk, this week I will be exploring the influences of Asian Pop/Hip-Hop music towards young youth of many Asian countries. With the rise of popularity streaming through Asia, many regular people, apart from celebrities are also embracing the fashion trend that is sweeping across the music industries especially the genres I have just mentioned before.


Hip Hop was first used as an instrument of therapy to escape the harsh realities of hard ghetto life. Which is the slums and lower classed parts of a city. Hip Hop was originally an assault of music bringing a new bevy of fans, which includes people of non-English speaking dialogue. Hip Hop has now reached all parts of the world affecting people with more hardships in life. With Asia embracing the same culture, the dramatic impact especially influenced to idealism of young youths.

Fashion has played a wide role in representing and portraying the personality of the individual. In Asia people have taken part and resemblance in American culture. Such clothing such as long baggy T-shirts, caps, hoodies are common trends related towards the music genre. A wide fashion industry dedicates themselves in producing the exact the fashion for the particular audiences, such brands as Stussy, Zoo York, Kikstyo G-Star and Stray.


Thx for reading again this week, and read all my other buddies posts : )

Next week ill be posting about another Asian band that is widely known la , tyty xie xie all that good stuff !


kayu's week 2 post (I no its a bit late coz technical error)

Hi guys, this is the second week for us to process our particular topic. This time I found an awesome example to show the influence of Chinese pop music, and here we have Jay Chow. I can tell that most of the Asian would know who is he, and even some parts of western people would know who is Jay as well.


For his biography, Jay Chow is actually from Taiwanese, but doesn’t matter what, from my aspect, I will vote him as the first choice to represent Chinese pop music. In fact, he is not a singer only, but also work as a musician, producer, actor and director. According to what has he done to music field, his potential and passion to music, Jay used to win the World Music Award for 4 times. (Come on man, its 4 times, u know 4 times. Guess how hard is it to obtain this award). Jay came out started working with music as his job since 1998. Since, his talent of song writing and piano playing skills was somehow discovered in a talent contest.

He is kind of different from the other song writer, since he likes combining Chinese and Western music style to form a new element of music and song, such as R&B, rock, pop genres. Those are all the style that he would like to put in his music. Forgot to mention one thing, and this is also one of the reasons that Jay became that successful and famous. It is where his songs are not only about love. (Ask yourself a question, do you realize that most of the songs you listen to are about love, or fall in love and stuff like this?) But for Jay himself, he tries to tell some more different kinds of stories through music, and therefore he puts in issues of domestic violence, war, and urbanization in the songs. This new feature works out very well.

Since he first came out, he started producing one album in each year. However, all albums come with at least 10 new songs and no old song repeated from pervious albums. Beside making songs, he recently produced few films which are directed by him as well, such as Initial D, Secret, Curse of the Golden Flower and so on. Moreover, His movies are promoted to Western Culture as well.


According to my research, factors indicated by Jay would somehow influence youth culture. However, he doesn’t effect because he is good looking or good dancing skill, like the other Korean pop star, Rain, but his new idea of songs writing and MTV (Music Video) making. As I mentioned before, he means to combine Chinese and western style together, and this feature can be seen more easier through his MTV. Jay would try to invite people from different countries to star his MTVs. Sometimes, he also creates new feeling with using both culture style, like Chinese dancer with fully western hip hot dressing and western dancers dress up like in the other way around. One more, the location he picks for his MTV is also the point to deserve compliment. Since Jay chooses world wild spot to star his MTV just to let audiences to feel and understand more about his songs.

Finally, I think not only youth is influenced, but also current song writers are still trying to learn his skill in this field to improve themselves. However, back to our topic, I reckon Jay is trying to let Asian youth understand more about other western music culture through the interaction of communication with audiences in ‘Chinese’ way, as in like Jay himself is Chinese, and what he does is to show that it is possible to combine different music culture, old and new fashion, to form another new music style. (Think about there is music which is played by an erhu fiffle (Chinese violin) and violin, and imagine what kind of special outcomes will you get.)


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hi, everyone. I am Fanli. Now, I will introduce a famous Taiwan girl singer group called S.H.E. This group is made up by Selina Ren, Hebe Tian, and Ella Chen.

In 2001, they released the first album called “Girls Dorm”. This album aroused great attention. The audience memorizes these three beautiful and cute girls. Their business success leads S.H.E to take part in every kind of activities in every aspect. There is no doubt that S.H.E stands for a kind of confidence, a kind of energy, a kind of glamour. S.H.E gives a great influence on the youth in China.

Some of their songs delivery a strong message: people should overcome whatever difficulties in life. Sunshine in life will come out one day. It gives really positive influence to the youth to do their best in their golden moment in life. One of S.H.E fans said to the reporter: “S.H.E‘s songs encourage me to be strong, to be actively face life and study!”

As we know, Selina, Hebe and Ella all come from ordinary families. Their success is due to their own efforts. In the course of becoming famous starts, their stories effectively prove that confidence and good life attitude are vital to be successful. This also shows huge influence to the modern young people.

I like S.H.E not only their good music, but also a kind of inspirit to delivery active energy.