Friday, November 28, 2008

Korean Music by fanli

Though I am Chinese, I like Korean music. There is a big factor is that I really like Korean dramas. It is so romantic. Ok, go back to Korean music. There are two components in K-Pop: traditional music and the modern Korean pop music. In the modern Korean pop music, there are some representatives, such as Rain, Boa. My group mates Tim and Ripina have explored that. In this article, I will focus on the K- pop influence almost the whole Asia young people.

As I mentioned before, the success of K-pop one of the main factor is based on the successful of Korean drama. The youth through watching Korean drama, and then be familiar with Korean Culture. They like Korean music no difference as they like their own country music. Some of Korean fans are already so crazy about that. They download Korean music in computer, Mp3 and so on. I don’t know how to analyze this phenomenon in exactly. The most important is that the youth generation should discriminate what is good and benefited for them.

Receiving and absorbing different culture things is good, it help the youth to enlarge their knowledge. The most important is to control the negative aspects.

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